Friday, September 19, 2008
Financial Turmoil - Are We Ready For This?
This post is quoted from Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, the 4th Prime Minister of Malaysia
1. The world is going through financial turmoil but most Malaysian politicians especially those in the Government seem blissfully unaware or unconcerned. Already 10 major banks in America have collapsed. The almighty US Dollar has depreciated. Now the huge insurance corporation, the American International Group is on the verge of bankruptcy.
2. In the last three quarters AIG lost US$18.5 billion dollars (68 billion Ringgit). AIG is struggling to raise funds to overcome its difficulties. If it fails it may have to opt for bankruptcy. But AIG is going to lose even more.
3. The failures are all due to playing with money, selling mortgages, selling papers and all kinds of financial dealings which have been invented by the finance houses in order to make huge sums of money out of nothing. Currency trading is one of them.
4. I am not a financial expert but I see trouble coming our way. Our currency should be appreciating against the cheaper US Dollar. But instead it is depreciating. This must be caused by weaknesses in our economy.
5. Despite Government propaganda through the controlled media that we are doing well, the reality is otherwise. The foreign investors, including Arabs came, and the reports claim that hundreds of millions of Ringgit in investment would be coming in, but there is no sign that the investors are actually investing. In fact I hear in the IT sector a proposed 600 million Ringgit investment has been withdrawn.
6. Apart from Arabs buying up new skyscrapers there is no sign that investments are really coming in.
7. I talked to potential investors and they told me they would not be investing and they are pulling out from the Malaysian stock market. The KLSE figures show how much market capital has disappeared. I am told that it is more than 100 billion Ringgit.
8. In the meantime the prices of oil and foodstuff are high and may go higher. But incomes are not increasing. In other words we are experiencing inflation. When the American financial crisis really hits us we may not be able to handle it.
9. Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak's appointment as Minister of Finance has come at a crucial time. I pray and hope he will be able to handle the impending crisis. If he fails then he will have to take the blame. Dato Seri Abdullah is now only involved in social issues, reform (of what?) and Islam Hadari. Appropriately he has taken over the Ministry of Defence.
10. We are in for a very interesting time. The PM should read carefully SAPP President Yong Teck Lee's press statement. But I don't think he would. He is reputed to have told Malaysian diplomats undergoing training that if they are asked critical questions they should "buat bodoh" i.e. pretend to be stupid. I believe that is precisely what Abdullah would do to Yong's statement.
1. I read this morning that the Federal Reserve Bank will loan to AIG US$85 billion to prevent it from going into bankruptcy.
2. I remember well how we were told never to bail out failing companies. But in the last one year the Fed has bailed out dozens of failing banks, mortgage corporations and other businesses. Altogether the bail out has cost the Fed almost US$500 billion dollars.
3. I just wonder where the money comes from. Does the Fed hold hundreds of billions of dollars in readiness to rescue failed banks? I don't think so.
4. The money used is "created" through entries in account books. No cash or dollar notes are issued or even printed. Like a magician, the Fed make money from invisible sources.
5. Whatever, the USD will continue to fall.
6. Malaysia would be wise to get rid of dollar holdings. This goes for Bank Negara too. It must have lost quite a bit because of the depreciation of the USD
Monday, September 01, 2008
Watch Grey's Anatomy Online
Finally, after 1 hectic week, I'm finally finished a new site, dedicated for Grey's Anatomy TV Series fan, which is among the hottest tv series in USA ..
This site, is for viewers who do not want to download anything to their hard disk, simply because of the time taken to fully download the series, or perhaps their hard disks are congested already. Now you can watch Grey's Anatomy online only by streaming it.
So Grey's Anatomy fans, please visit this site and marathon Grey's Anatomy TV Series.. For now, I just finish setting for season 1 and season 2 only. Another seasons will come shortly, perhaps in 2-3 days I'll finish setting up all the seasons in my website.
So pals.. do enjoy this site.
Watch Grey's Anatomy Online
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Petronas Maybank Credit Card
When let my car drinks her favorite drink, Petronas Synergy Petrol, my eyes are reading this 1 ads, about Petronas Maybank Credit Card. Similar with Petronas CIMB Credit Card. Trying to figure out what the differences between those two, I ran google search when I reached home.
Well basically, not being a finance person myself, I just decided to make Petronas Maybank Credit Card. Why? Simply because my salary goes to my Maybank account, so it is easier for me to make payments.
And the one thing I'm looking in a credit card is it must FREE for life. I don't want to pay fees, we had paid too much interests to the bank, why we should pay fees somemore right? We already give them money, and we have to pay fee for giving them money.. huhuhu ..
Plus, the hike of fuel prices makes me want to do Credit Card. I never had in mind to make a credit card before, simply because I don't want to be in debt. Spending money that I can't afford. But to think again, I always carry lot of cash, and of course, it is not a good practise. Thefts are everywhere nowadays.
The most important thing in using credit cards are our dicipline. We've got to dicipline ourselves to pay on time. Or else, the interests will rape you off.
Friday, August 22, 2008
MISC tanker hijacked off Somalia
A news that got me thinking twice about go sailing again .. added with how much I hate this job
A 32,169 dwt chemical tanker belonging to Malaysia’s MISC has been hijacked by armed pirates off the coast of Somalia.
The 1997-built Bunga Melati Dua, with 39 crew onboard, was carrying a cargo of palm oil from Indonesia to Rotterdam when the vessel was attacked in the Gulf of Aden.
MISC confirmed the vessel was taken on Tuesday although it did not admit the vessel had been hijacked until today.
In a statement the company said: "MISC regrets to inform that its chemical/palm oil tanker, MT Bunga Melati Dua, has been hijacked by unknown pirates at 1409 GMT on August 19."
The crew of 29 Malaysian and 10 Filpino seafarers managed to send a distress signal but Noel Choong of the Piracy Reporting Centre in Kuala Lumpur said there had been not direct contact with the crew.
He said an unidentified warship was searching for the tanker which is believed to be heading for Somalia waters.
The Bunga Melati Dua is the fourth vessel to be hijacked in the area in the past month. The Thai cargo vessel Thor Star and a Nigerian tug, Yenegoa Ocean, were seized last week. The bulker Stella Maris was attacked and hijacked on July 20.
The tanker is insured through the UK Mutual Steam Ship Assurance Association (Bermuda) and and classed by Lloyd’s Register.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Sumpah Si Saiful
Dijangka atau tidak, setidak-tidaknya sumpah si Saiful Bukhari telah menggemparkan masyarakat Malaysia terutama Melayu. Kepada penyokong Anwar Ibrahim, sumpah ini hanyalah satu mainan politik walhal umum mengetahui sumpah yang dilakukan oleh Saiful ini adalah sumpah laknat, yang tidak boleh dibuat main-main, yang mana jika sumpah ini merupakan satu penipuan, maka Saiful akan dilaknat oleh Allah di dunia dan di akhirat. Malapetaka akan menimpa bukan sahaja beliau, malahan seluruh keluarga beliau akan tercalit kemurkaan daripada Allah.
Tetapi sayang, penyokong setia "dewa" Anwar bagaikan tidak mengendah sumpahan ini, malahan diejek, dicaci dan dikutuk Saiful, menyatakan bahawa pemuda yang berusia 23 tahun ini berbuat sedemikian kerana politik, kerana wang, dan kerana desakan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang amat memerlukan kemenangan ke atas Permatang Pauh. Sanggupkah Saiful melakukan perkara ini hanya kerana sebab-sebab yang tersenarai di atas? Sanggupkah kita bermain dengan sumpah yang akan membuatkan diri kita tercela sepanjang hayat?
Anwar, disebalik cabaran untuk beliau turut bersumpah muhabalah hanya pandai memusing-musingkan ayat-ayat, malahan isteri beliau Wan Azizah menyatakan bahawa sumpah muhabalah ini tidak dikira kerana Saiful memegang Al-Quran. Baiklah, kita tinggalkan hal beliau untuk memegang Al-Quran, kerana di dalam Islam tiada sumpah yang dilakukan dengan memegang Al-Quran. Tetapi tidakkah Saiful memegang Al-Quran itu hanya perlakuan sampingan? Bagaimana dengan lafaz beliau yang menyebut Wallahi, Wabillahi, Watallahi? Tidakkah itu berlandaskan sumpahan Islam yang disahkan sendiri oleh Tuan Guru Pas Nik Aziz?
Pada pandangan peribadi saya, jikalau benar Anwar Ibrahim tidak melakukan perkara liwat itu, dan beliau yakin dan pasti tidak pernah memasukkan zakarnya ke dalam dubur Saiful Bukhari Azlan, mengapa beliau tidak melakukan sumpah muhabalah ini? Tidakkah itu akan kembali memulihkan pandangan orang ramai yang saya yakin sedikit sebanyak rakyat akan percaya kepada perlakuan songsang ini? Dan jika Anwar Ibrahim bersumpah bahawa beliau tidak pernah melakukannya, saya yakin dan pasti, sokongan rakyat terhadap beliau akan bertambah-tambah, dan tidak mustahil impian beliau untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia di hujung tahun ini menjadi nyata dan pasti.
Persoalan sekarang, beranikah Anwar Ibrahim? Seperti kata pepatah yang kita selalu dengar dan dididik, "Berani kerana benar"..
Posted by
Mohd Faizal Iman
9:48 PM
Labels: Anwar Ibrahim, kes liwat, Saiful Bukhari Azlan, sumpah muhabalah
Friday, July 18, 2008
Pelakon Terbaik Sepanjang Zaman
Get this from a political forum, thought sharing here would be nice since this is the hottest issue in Malaysia now .. an event which can be classified as "dulu, kini but hopefully not selama-lamanya".
Anwar sememangnya boleh dinobatkan sebagai pelakon terbaik sepanjang zaman oleh anugerah perfileman di negara kita. Perkara ini patut di usulkan oleh senator Datuk Jins Shamsuddin semasa perbahasan di parlimen semasa persidangan akan datang. Namun, akhir – akhir ini kita dapat lihat lakonan beliau semakin terbongkar dengan kebodohan skrip – skrip yang beliau dan kuncu – kuncunya reka sendiri. Antara lakonan – lakonan ANWAR yang akan dikenang sepanjang zaman nanti adalah seperti :-
- ANWAR sebelum ini sedia BERSUMPAH jika ianya perlu, namun setelah SAIFUL juga bersedia untuk bersumpah bersama ANWAR menyebabkan beliau berdalih untuk tidak bersumpah dengan menyatakan bahawa beliau telah mendapat pandangan ulama dari dalam dan luar Negara supaya tidak mempermainkan SUMPAH dengan nama ALLAH.
- Penulis meramalkan Anwar Ibrahim telah mula menggunakan taktik lazim beliau apabila berdepan dengan isu-isu yang mampu mengganggu gugat karier politik beliau iaitu beliau akan MENYAMAN.
- Melarikan diri ke kedutaan Turki dengan mereka – reka cerita bahawa beliau akan DIBUNUH dan nyawanya dalam bahaya. Namun sehingga sekarang ANWAR bebas menari – nari dan terkinja – kinja di atas pentas berceramah tanpa sebarang kawalan keselamatan yang ketat. Mana yang dikatakan nyawanya terancam?
- Keengganan Anwar memberikan sampel untuk ujian DNA (asid deoksiribonukleik) ketika di bawa ke Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) malam tadi atas alasan kerana tidak mahu DNAnya DIMANIPULASIKAN. Bukankan beliau ditemani oleh peguamnya dan pihak hospital telah memberi jaminan bahawa mereka akan melakukan dengan mengikut prosedur dan professional.
- Namun saya juga ada mendapat info HEARSAY ( tapi saya tidak akan membuat akuan bersumpah seperti Raja PET dan BALA) mengenai punca Anwar Ibrahim melarikan diri ke Kedutaan Turki dimana seorang ahli perniagaan permaidani berbangsa Turki yang telah tinggal di negara ini sejak berpuluh tahun lalu, yang mempunyai kecenderungan seks kepada sesama lelaki (homo sexual) , telah menjadi amat akrab dengan Anwar Ibrahim sejak begitu lama, dan beliau inilah yang mengaturkan Anwar menyeludup masuk ke Kedutaan Turki di Kuala Lumpur. Wallahualam.!
Taken from
Here it comes again
Shocking or not, I'm not so sure about that, but the latest Anwar Ibrahim's case is a reflection to what had happened 10 years ago, and whether it is truth or not, justice should be seek here or those involved will get it in afterlife. To believe the current government plotting and conspiring this new sodomy case is hard, since it is the government who releases Anwar to show its openess and integrity and to make public believes what Tun Mahathir did is wrong and Anwar was the victim to Mahathir's dictatorship. And to plotting a same sodomy plot is quite same and the public should not be shocked again and tend to believe it is just a setup. But it is the sodomy case again, then what we believe?
Malaysia, now in political madness because of the stupidity of current Prime Minister and half-past six his cabinets, now facing a possibility of another era of political shit due this sodomy case. Being away for past 5 months from Malaysia allows me to comment nothing about this event, but I just hoping someone will challenge Mr. SleepyLah during UMNO assembly, to which Ku Li is one of our hopes to make Malaysia as it is during Tun Mahathir's era.
Till then.
Friday, January 18, 2008
7 Don'ts After A Meal
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1. Don't smoke - Experiment from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes which means your chance to get cancer is higher
2. Don't eat fruit immediately - Eating fruit right after a meal will cause stomach to be bloated by air. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hours after your meal and for better digestion, have your fruit 1 hour before taking your meal
3. Don't drink tea - Tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the protein content in the food we consume to be hardened therefore make the digestion harder
4. Don't loosen your belt - Loosening your belt after eating will easily cause the intestine to be twisted and blocked
5. Don't bathe - Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs and body thus the amount of blood around stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach
6. Don't walk about - People will always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. But the truth is, it is wrong. Walking will cause digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake
7. Don't sleep immediately - The food we intake will not be able to digest properly.Thus will lead to gastric and infection in our intestine
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Sunday, January 13, 2008
The Ultimate Tea Diet Tips
Lots of people now are talking about The Ultimate Tea Diet .. But here I'm not gonna talk about the teammates profiles or anything like that but to lay tips on how to utilize tea as your diet.
1. Start you day with a cup of hot tea. And please, just sugar, no milk. The mixture between tea and milk with take all tea extracts away .. A cup of hot tea every morning can help you reduce your weight.
2. Don't drink tea immediately after your meal. This is because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest.
Lot of diet tips will be coming up after this. Stay tune to this blog.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Dimana Sharlinie?
Kehilangan Sharlinie mengembalikan nostalgia misteri kehilangan Nurin Jazlan dan pertemuan mayat beliau yang meruntun hati setiap insan yang masih memiliki secumit belas kasihan di dalam hati mereka. Kes yang memiliki cara operasi yang sama seperti Nurin Jazlan ini terus menggemparkan negara dan kita boleh melihat setiap akhbar arus perdana mahupun tabloid menceritakan tentang kehilangan beliau di muka hadapan.
Kehilangan Sharlinie yang dikatakan dibawa lari dengan sebuah van oleh seorang wanita adalah susulan kepada kes seorang lagi kanak-kanak comel yang dibawa lari oleh lelaki misteri, juga berlaku di Taman Medan yang kemudiannya ditemui di Wangsa Maju. Lelaki misteri itu yang lebih dikenali sebagai Abang Kucing kerana sering menggunakan "pick-up" lines yang sama yakni "Adik nak tengok kucing?" disyaki orang yang sama yang dikenali sebagai "Pencabul Kampung Baru".
Kehilangan Sharlinie harus dicari, Sharlinie harus dipertemukan semula dengan kedua ibubapa beliau dan juga adik-beradik beliau yang lain dan masyarakat harus tidak lagi dikejutkan dgn cerita pertemuan sebuah beg yang berisi kanak-kanak malang yang comel dan tidak berdosa itu. Semua ini harus dilakukan dengan kebijaksanaan dan kecekapan pihak berkuasa dan kerjasama yang diberikan oleh masyarakat. Tapi timbul persoalan, adakah setiap yang hilang akan terus dicari? Mengapa punca kehilangan tidak diatasi agar perkara yang bisa meruntun hati kemanusian kita ini tidak akan berlaku lagi buat sekian kalinya.
Kehilangan Sharlinie ini harus dijadikan iktibar kepada sekali ibubapa supaya tidak akan terjadi lagi perkara ini. Pepatah Melayu ada menyatakan, berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul. Hati kita sudah rasa terhiris dengan kejadian yang menimpan Nurin dan Sharlinie ini, dapatkah kita membayangkan bagaimana hancurnya hati kita ini jika kejadian ini menimpa anak kita?
Semoga dapatlah kita mengambil pengajaran di dalam hal ini, setiap pergerakan anak hendaklah dikawal rapi, mahupun hanya ingin ke taman permainan di depan rumah. Dan kepada yang sering menyuruh anak yang masih kecik membeli itu dan ini di kedai runcit, saya merayu, pertimbangkanlah semula arahan anda, biarpun anda menyatakan bahawa ini adalah untuk meringankan beban anda, tetapi jika perkara sedemikian berlaku, percayalah, beban anda pasti tidak terpikul lagi beratnya. Bak kata pepatah Melayu yang seharusnya selalu disematkan di dalam hati kite, "Menyesal dahulu pendapatan, menyesal kemudian tiada gunanya".
Monday, January 07, 2008
Chua Soi Lek Sex Video Clip
Kes yang menggemparkan Malaysia tatkala Pilihanraya Umum dikatakan akan diadakan dalam masa yang terdekat ini, Malaysian Health Minister Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek sex scandals.
Mengejutkan? Tidak !! Bila mana keluar di dada akhbar tentang pendedahan sex video clip Chua Soi Lek ini di Muar dan Batu Pahat .. ramai sudah meneka yang kes ini membabitkan Chua Soi Lek .. Seorang taiko MCA di Johor .. dan ramai mengidamkan jawatan beliau .. dan ramai yang membenci beliau ..
Perletakan jawatan CSL ni pun bukan atas kehendak diri dia .. tapi desakan orang ramai yang tidak hendak berketuakan atau berwakilkan seseorang yang mempunyai moral seperti beliau.. atau mungkin rakyat merasa jijik bila melihat adegan sex clip video CSL ni .. huhu .. sambil main ble lagi tgk laptop .. sure tgh layan buku kamasutra .. tahan lame skit .. :D ...
Dan yang paling tak tahan .. CSL ni nak buat lak road show nk memperjelaskan lagi tentang perkara ini .. nk jelaskan ape ? sb ape die tgk laptop ketika tgh main ke ? atau ubat ape yg die makan supaya tahan lame ? hehe .. dah la CSL .. resign resign la .. baik gi pujuk bini dan anak2 datuk seri ...